Investment Advisor and Speaker Hammered by
CASE STUDY: Push down RipOffReport
This is another interesting case where we were challenged to push down RipOffReport. An author and public speaker was struggling to gain new enrollments for his seminars, and subscriptions. This was a direct consequence of an egregious posting about this well-known personality, which was appearing in #1 of Google search. According to Google, as many as 90% of individuals who are considering purchasing services, will “Google” the vendor as part of their due diligence efforts. As such, it was impossible for this particular client to know how much business he was losing because of the defamatory search results.
In October 2014, but was able to rapidly push down RipOffReport, the defamatory results, from position #1, all the way down to position #9 within one month. Thereafter, there were ups and downs as Google tweaked its search algorithm for several weeks. In January 2015, after carefully analyzing the results of Google’s algorithm changes, the team was able to begin a second rapid downward trajectory of the unfavorable result, resulting in successful suppression of the ripoff report page. Between March and May 2015, the search ranking was at worst position in #9, and at best position #15. The “Mobilegeddon” algorithm changes in late April 2015, resulted in a short-term spike of the result back to position five, but in mid-May the downward trajectory began once again towards a sanitized first page of Google. Due to financial constraints, the client canceled the case on 20th of May, it will be interesting to watch what happens to the result in the coming months.
If you are dealing with a RipOff Report, follow our Remove RipOff Reports instructions.